Kamen rider Godspeed Crisis on inf...by Voidofc
Movie taken Place a few years after Godspeed concludes. Hiro teams up with Soji Tendo aswell as other speedsters to take down a mysterious villian king of the future. to...
Kamen Rider Godspeedby Voidofc
Kamen rider godspeed is an adaption of kamen rider kabuto the story features Hiro Kojima and his quest to save the world from the angel threat on his journey he will dis...
Chapter Protocolby Voidofc
A prequel to Kamen rider Godais world
When a prisoner is selected to trial a new piece of policing equipment the prisoner creates a special bond with the suit over the m...
Kamen rider Construct by Voidofc
Haruki Yura is a maths tutor who is hit by M.A.T.Hs officials on his way to work they find out he has a high iq and they recruit him to use the Construct driver and to s...