Edit Galley [RE-OPENED]by Starflies✨✨💫💫💫1.3K9523Just a book for my edits!!❤❤Completededitseditingbihterbehlul+7 more Ask-i Memnu: An Alternate Ending. by Ask-i Memnu12.9K26419An alternate ending to the legendary series Ask-i Memnu, focusing on Bihter Yöreoglu & Behlül Haznedar! Being a B&B lover, watching the tragic end to their story has alw...Completedyasakaşkbihbehfanfiction+14 more Bihter's Fakegramby BENİ BENİ BİHTERİNİ184191ziyagilbehlüladnan+3 more