Alternate Universe-Miura Azusaby Everyone's Favorite Disloyal...
A short-story about what happens when Azusa wakes up in a world where everything is food, and food is everything. When the time comes to choose between a life as friend...
Falling Inlove With An Un-Perfect...by hiya-toes
This is a love-story of a rich girl and poor boy, Tsubaki is a guy that is quiet and always reads, his parents told him to go to a different school in order to learn mor...
Herself ᴥ Brothers Conflict by melloep
Mirya Vennet is a 19 year old Fashion Designer with a calm exterior hiding a more bubbly personality.
She is living her best life until it all falls apart. Determined...
Glass Hearts (Brothers Conflict Fa...by Smpddonewlife
Akabane Sakura is a normal high school girl who is a prodigy at everything. She may look like she doesn't waste any time doing anything useless like read wattpad or watc...
Protectorsby mallory_payne
Lilly was the younger sister of Yui and she's terrified of vamps. Lilly freaks out when they finally meet up with the family. Not only are they trying to become friend...