Aurapowers Stories

6 Stories

Ash betrayed by pokemoneeveelution
Ash betrayedby Victoria/ V
If you are reading this on any other site than Wattpad. the it has been stolen BEEN ON HOLD BUT IF YOU WANT CIMFERMINATION THEN IT KN HILD Another betrayal story. I have...
The Force Awakens (An Amourshipping tale) by amourshipper24
The Force Awakens (An H
What if I told you Ash had something hidden in him? What if this power can save the world? We all know our beloved hero, Ash Ketchum. Well, recently he just lost the Ka...
Deku The Aura Hero (Sample) by BrandonWilliamson691
Deku The Aura Hero (Sample)by Fanficnerd94
In a world of heroes and quirks, Izuku Midoriya is unfortunately born to be powerless. Or.... so he thought. After discovering that he has the powers of Lucario, Izuku p...
Around The World (Re-Write) by SampsonBlackley
Around The World (Re-Write)by SampsonBlackley
With the end of their journey nearing, Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie all prepare to be seperated by the oceans that divide their futures. But what happens when Serena...
Heroes Never Die by amourshipper24
Heroes Never Dieby H
Sequel to The Force Awakens 2 years after Ash's supposed death, everyone starts to rebuild what was damaged. Everyone's life returned to normal, or they thought so. Dis...
The aura chosens  by Gaethane1
The aura chosens by Gaethane1
Ash discovers a important truth about himself. As well as Serena, in a wild plot twisting adventure I do not own Pokémon.