Jojo bizarre adventure: The Demon'...by SAIL!
Jori Joestar, Son of Kojo and Ryuko, Basara's best friend and Narie Jakuzre Joestar's older brother. And the newest Hero of the Berserker Universe, his story begins...No...
The Black Swordsmanby storly
Shinmai Maou No Testament x Male Reader insert
In this world is the destiny of man controlled by some transcendental entity or law. Is it like the hand of god hovering a...
Reader X Testament of Sister New D...by redhater7861
When Basara lost control in the village of heroes he unleashed a power that could equal a strike of his father's full power but before it could happen Basara's older br...
True Love : Mio And Bassara Luv St...by Jessica Alfredo
" hey mio .... Can you wait for me ?" He asked in a calm way
Mio had no reason to chase him today " what's the problem ?" She asked
He held her han...