Title: "Heartstrings and Shadows"by Joker undead
"Heartstrings and Shadows" follows the tumultuous journey of Samuel, a 16-year-old loner who finds himself entangled in the complexities of love, betrayal, and...
Of Sam and Dean (or Babysitter Tic...by gordon byron
A journey in to the passionate lives of Dean, in his last year of school, of age already, but lonely and shy; unaware of his handsome presence and strong intellect and...
The Dragon King's Servant: Rise of...by FrankMitchell0828
The Bdsm romance of a Dragon King (Lucian Drakkon) and the kingdom, ruled by his servant queen, (Melanie), continues as Lucian must adjust to the new state of the kingdo...
Sunshine of My Dreamsby Bellamatte
Calvin is on the hunt for a green eyed, redhead beauty that disappeared from his life mysteriously. It's been eleven years since he's seen her, combed her luminous copp...
Black Bacardi by yoshimura
Dance on my bed.
I don't even know if this will continue, if you guys like it, it might.
Like Pieces in a Puzzleby Mae🌟
Adeline is an average girl. She was brought up by a normal family, in a normal town, and lived a normal life. Her curiosity for a world outside of the one she's so used...