Photography: The versatility (Sumi...by sumitkumarbhalotia
There is something different in the way of viewing things now as compared to previous ages. The idea that we can now capture views has given our stream of thoughts a new...

Professional and Beginner Understa...by sumitkumarbhalotia
One of the most common problems facing new photographers – and some of us OLD photographers – is finding a great composition. Like pizza, it’s a matter of taste, but the...

Sumit kumar Bhalotia:Short details...by sumitkumarbhalotia
I am sumit kumar bhalotia explaining you short detail of pixel, megapixel, dot per inches, resolution.
The pixel (a word invented from "picture element") is th...

Increase Better Photography with M...by sumitkumarbhalotia
Mobile photography has made huge strides in a short time. We have this great powerful device in our hands or pockets now with all the extra tools and software needed to...

Beginner professional tricks by Su...by sumitkumarbhalotia
I am Sumit Kumar Bhalotia giving you basic professional photography tips.
Photography is a third eye to see the world. Still Photography is divided into many types of ph...

Wild Life Photography by Sumit Kum...by sumitkumarbhalotia
1. Pack of Right Lenses
Many professionals suggest using telephoto lenses for wildlife photography. This long-focus lens is physically longer than the focal length, maki...