The Diclonious Queen In The World...by JUBELY
Izuka Bullied for not having quirk and blamed for a quirk she didn't committed and betrayed by family and friends, watch as she turns into a species much stronger and d...
My true harem by Izumomolover
After being cheated on by his exes everything went south as his exes wanted him to have a down life
From hero to soldier by Izumomolover
After all of the bullshit Izuku went threw he was accused of something he didn't do
Red hood by Izumomolover
As UA had parents teacher conferences Nezu wanted to bring out the surprise to his students and it happens to be Momo boyfriend
The betrayed samurais by Izumomolover
After all the boys(Izuku, Katuski, and shoto) done for them they betrayed them all because of a video they had kicked them out and now they are the notable Samurais
My vampire by Izumomolover
After getting kicked out from the constant bullying Izuku is met where he doesn't have to worry about anything
From useless to Villianby Izumomolover
Growing up Izuku has been picked on and downplayed by family and friends until he met his Father and his whole demeanor changed from wanting to become a hero into becomi...
New lifeby Izumomolover
After losing everything to a person who lied about things it wasn't true one person found her new love