Blossoming Heroes: Eri and Kota's...by football-fan1
"Blossoming Heroes: Eri and Kota's Quirk Awakening" is an enchanting and immersive sequel to the heartwarming My Hero Academia tale of Eri and Kota's friendshi...
Spark of a Teamby BiohazrdGYT
Join Xrisp, Ice Cube, Xippy, Galax, Bate, and RABBIZORG in an epic journey through a futuristic city filled with adventure, mystery, and friendship. As unlikely allies...
The JACK Sisters: The Big Switchby JACK Sisters
Well, they're four best friends that are craving for subscribers for their Youtube account just for the sake of experiencing how being popular is. The four love doing ch...
The story of a girl I once wasby majorfangirl2203
A long time ago, I was weak. Now I'll tell you how I became...not-so-weak. Read to know more.
The Death Between Friends by Jeon Nina
A short story of two best friend getting along and a met a young beautiful lady and his friend kill him to have her