Sights to Visit in the Slovak Great Bratislava
Nestled along the picturesque Danube River, Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia, is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.
End time conffesionby Dean Darsky...
Secret services of communist regimes in eastern Europe are searching for a diary written by a nun who had apparitions of Jesus, containing unknown information on torment...
Fackaby adrienna_x
Facka, po ktorej sa Vanesse zmenil život. Bola maturantka, mala chalana, svoju vernú priateľku Noru. Dostala facku od života, avšak aj od priateľa.
Business class cars for rent in M Trental
If you are going to Europe then the business class cars for rent in Vienna, Bratislava & Budapest are the best option for you. Feel like home in these cars or let your g...
Stopárov Sprievodca Brigante
Povesť o najstaršom z bratislavských cintorínov.
Dedo, Ján a jaby DrBert
Zažite zábavné dobrodružstvo s dedom psom Jánom a mnou .
Teším sa na vaše reakcie . :)