A Little Misadventure by Courage
Sky's heart skipped a beat as he watched Twilight and Hyrule blown off the side of the cliff and into the gorge. He wasted no time and dove after them.
I really just...

A Sudden Sense of Overwhelmby Courage
"Why is this happening?" He mulled over as he covered his deep breaths with a sigh as to avoid attention.
The feeling intensified and he felt an anxiousness wi...

Escaping Breaths of Healing by Courage
He's hurt.
He can't breathe.
He's trapped.
It's the trouble trio again. It's more accurately like trouble finds them or that this author gently ushers trouble in thei...

Grey Skies Cloud My Memoryby Courage
"You alright War?" Twilight questioned concern lacing his tone. "You look a little out of it."
Warriors rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm fine T...

A Good Brotherby Courage
Breath escaped Tanjiro in that instant. Zenitsu never screamed like that before. Pain not fear coated his voice. It filled his veins with ice.
What if Tanjiro was the on...