Le cadeau de sakura [NARUSASU]by uchiha70__
Os narusasu ! Lemon 🍋
Les personnages de m'appartiennent pas!
Je suis responsable de ce que j'écris mais pas De ce que vous lisez !
Finding His Lightby CountingLockets
Spirit Albarn is a born star. An amazing artist, with a seductive voice.
Franken Stein is an escaped patient from a psych ward.
Both have suffered from unfair lives.
I fell for the Player (boyxboy)by Nunya Dambusinass
A new pair of students arrive at Waterton High. Brandon and Lily Heir. Brandon is a known gay and Lily is very straight. When both of them fall for the school player (Br...
Christmas?¿by Castiel Novakaine
Team free will decides it's a good time for Christmas. Even though it's only two weeks after thanksgiving.