#1My Cryaotic wayby Tracy4302pewdiepiefanficpewdiecry+9 more #2Trouble in Terrorist Town [PewdieC...by J28311cryoticfanfictionpewdiepie+7 more #3Pewdiecry (Cry's Reaction)by Sam2.7K621ChaoticMonki discovers the wonderful world of BL! :DCompletedcrycestcrypewdiepie+5 more #4Body Swapped? (PewDieCry)by Stromathy16.8K8078When Cry wakes up in Pewds' body, and the same happens to Pewds, they get a shock of their life. There's a big risk that Pewds might just spill Cry's biggest secret. C...bodycrycaoticmonki+6 more