A SonAmy and Taiream Christmas Sto...by CCA Productions
Sonic and Tails are trying to find something special to give Amy and Cream for Christmas. Meanwhile, Amy and Cream are trying to find something special to give them.
A Phinbella Story 2by CCA Productions
This is a continuation of my previous Phinbella book, "A Phinbella Story". Phineas and Isabella just started dating and they get into a situation where they ne...
A Phinbella Storyby CCA Productions
Phineas, Ferb, and Isabella met a guy named Chase (myself), who just moved into Danville. Chase heard all about them on TV and knows all about what they done over the su...
A SonAmy and Taiream Storyby CCA Productions
Sonic, Amy, Tails, and Cream met two new friends: Chase (myself) and Noah (Supersonicx). The two of us help them fight against Eggman and rescue Cream. This is my first...
An Ianshy Storyby CCA Productions
A new boy moves into Ponyville. Fluttershy starts to make her friends worried when she falls in love with him. How will things turn out for her? This is just another fan...
Busted Loveby CCA Productions
This is when Phineas was going to do the grand finale in "Happy Birthday Isabella". But Perry destroys the ray before it makes the shots that turns the grand f...