Tempered Skies (A Pokémon Fanficti...by Railgun
Set during the events of Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver, a traded dratini sparks a meeting between Olivine's Gym Leader Jasmine, and the Indigo League Champion, Lance. A...
Hello worlds edge Pokémon fan...by China Hudspith
He stood there over the edge, the wind brushing his hair to the left. His expression lost in thought. " You do know you do not have to do this" an familiar vo...
Golden Dragonsby Toast-33
Gold is having a hard time in Team Rocket's base. His team has low health, his items are running out, and he's exhausted. Gold thinks to make a run to the Pokemon Center...
Triangle amoureuxby FrozenSuicune
Je m'en souviens encore comme si cela s'était passé hier. Je ne sais toujours pas ce qui m'a prise de faire cela mais une chose est sûr c'est que je ne regrette en aucun...
The Four Guardians of Earthby Aqieane1286
Ash Ketchum is a 7 year old kid back then, when a wild Usarang attacked him and Gary. He fought the pokemon and unlocked his aura abilities. And with that, Ash turned ou...
The Fall of Irisby Champion Iris
Iris is tricked into a battle with Team Plasma's head, Ghetsis, and defeats her and captures her prized possession, Zekrom. After waking up in a hospital with her boyfri...