Chief Dancer Meets Smiling #19by Allison Cox
Smiling #19, or his real name Augustine Aoyama, sees Chief Dancer, or her real name Francesca Sturtz, getting bullied. Once he saves her, she thanks him and they talk.

Chief Dancer's Birthdayby Allison Cox
Chief Dancer, or her real name Francesca Sturtz, is having her birthday on January 10th.
Now with a 2022 chapter.

Smiling #19's Birthdayby Allison Cox
Smiling #19, or his real name Augustine Aoyama, is having his birthday on July 13th.
Now with a 2022 chapter.

Smiling #19 Confesses His Loveby Allison Cox
Smiling #19, or his real name Augustine Aoyama, confesses his love towards Chief Dancer, or her real name Francesca Sturtz.
This is a summary one-shot.