The Vanishing of L.A.'s Young: The...by jhguppy123
When a series of mysterious disappearances shrouds the city's youth, a group of courageous individuals must unravel a chilling conspiracy that threatens to consume them...
The Shadows We Share: The rise and...by jhguppy123
In a city shrouded in secrets, Giovanni, a brave newcomer, navigates hidden truths and unexpected alliances. Fueled by friendship and courage, he unravels his family's m...
Shadows of Redemption: The Unseen...by Persephone Zephyr✨
In a shadow-laden city, three unlikely heroes unite against a malevolent force in "Shadows of Redemption: The Unseen Chronicles." Follow their gripping journey...
City of Shadowsby Yuri
When The day comes, if it ever does, the shadows will fall.
The light will blind all, until a shard of night aids in our plight. She will ascend the throne, and rule her...
Nocturnus The Nightmare Kingby Samantha McMillan
16-year-old Sienna Prescott has been haunted by a monster known as the King of Nightmares since she was a child. Now, he appears to take her to the City of Shadows in th...
Dans les ruines mystiques de Sélénéa, une ville où l'obscurité et la magie s'entrelacent, Aria, une jeune femme de dix-huit ans aux cheveux d'une blancheur éclatante, se...