Jewel Carriers Sparkleheart: begin...by Crystal Heartlight Cat
after Crystal, a high school student at Silverstar high school, meets a small fairy fox from a magical kingdom called Alloria, she soon learns of her destiny to defend t...
Team Forces Adventures: Victina (S...by Kat the Cat
In this action filled and shocking season finale, a new hedgehog girl named Clover lies about being a medallion wielder and hero back in her hometown, and then she plots...
Magix Highschool (Sonic and FNF)by Kat the Cat
Kat the Cat is starting her first year at Magix Highschool. There, she makes three new friends, Amy Rose, Crystal the Cat, and Sarvente, who soon become the best of frie...
The Six Elements (FNF)by Kat the Cat
Join The Boyfriend, Pico, Doko, Sarvente, Whitty, and Crystal the Cat on wild adventures. After Bishop's fun loving son, Boyfriend learns that he has a destiny of his ow...