The Kenny x Trash Man Series by ah henry dentist
BASED ON TRUE EVENTS Kennith Eugene Herbert Simmons meets Trash Dentist in their 80's Michigan high school. Hilarity insues.

Tamari's Taste In Musicby 🔪Jazzy⛓️Bee🖤
Tamari has a different taste in music from Fayrouz and Mariyam. And they get judged for it. Just a silly lil headcanon of mine 😄

your mother is gayby 🔪Jazzy⛓️Bee🖤
"THe Only THERaPisT You're evEr gonNA bE iS a COnvERSIoN THerapiSt BECaUsE You mAke all ThE GAY MEn sTraIgHT!!!"
-Fayrouz Khalid, roasting Tamari
but yeah