#1Ask us Lovely Creeps!by ainsleyhewitt1204So this is going to be a thing were I will be writing a Creepypasta/fullmetal alchemist(sorta) I'm not very good at writing stories! So here's my random stuff!creepypastaaskuscreepypastaask+2 more #2creepypasta askby Reagan6534you can ask any creepypasta anything even if its just to complainant themcreepypastaaskjeffthekillercreepypasta+2 more #3creepypasta ask or dareby pew2101like the title , ask or dare the pastas~♠creepycreepypastadareaskordare+17 more #4Ask The Creepypastasby ___SkyRainMoon2___4332.____.creepypastaaskproxiespastas+2 more