#1ben x jeff smut >:3by expendeho7221jeff is bottom for once :DDbendrownedxjeffthekillerbedroomben+8 more #2Truth or Dare: Creepypastaby BENHasYouNow1101Uh.... You can just drop a dare off for the Creepypasta crew... um.... Ye...trithordaresmiledogbendrowned+10 more #3creepypasta x youtuber (On Hold/sl...by Marshmello1fan38553this is stories of youtubers x creepypastas!youtuberxcreepypastafluffcreepypasta+2 more #4Questions and answers with the cre...by BennDrowned10336just ask some questions we will answer!!creepypastacrewcreepypastaaskingcrewaskcreepypasta+2 more