Sweet Butterfly (First Installment...by Hana
First Installment of Sweet Butterfly
"A captivating angel. So soft and angelic dancing to "Butterfly". Her choreography was amazing and...
Cosmogyral || k.njby ❀ 小泉花 ❀
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
He's hurting. She's healing. How much damage will they receive if fate makes them collide?
On My Mind //RMby Jolia
"I wonder if he does have a girlfriend. Like.. its not like I want to be his girlfriend... iam just curious."
Follower ✔️by Alyce⁷
*Based on Pied Piper by BTS*
Book One of the Follower Trilogy
Every year the Pied Piper takes the weakest. It's no surprise when the Piper finally comes for you. But whe...
Sugarella [BTS Suga x Female!ficwr...by Ryde
"What the hell did I just read..."
What happens when Suga, Mr. tongue technology stumbled upon a certain popular fanfic writer by the name of AppleSauce, an au...