#1Es Un Secreto | Various by dee11.5K12617idk what this is pero bitch read it !!!!ivancornejolacuadrinatanaelcano+8 more #2Noches de relagoby inlovewithdaddylux1.4K163were you accidently meet Ivan cornejo a singer you loved for a long time is it meant to be or will you still be friends?eslabonarmadoynstoriesivan+7 more #3eddyjae imaginesby libbyluvsyousm5.4K308basically some imagines about eddyjae and his friendsdannyluxhugolibbyluvsyousm+3 more #4My Love life by Lola Roman3.6K2711You have to read and find outrickyfloresbrissamurillojosie+7 more #5Las rosas 🌹by 🫶26221just read it :)ivanivancornejodannylux+8 more #6Dannylux imaginesby Adrianna2.6K153He's hot I'm sorrydannylux