A Tale Painted with Blood (Black M...by Quidell
At the journey's end, every path she's tread unwinds to a single, quiet truth: her final breath, where even the stars bow to her fading light.
Act 1: Ember, nicknamed af...
𝐴 𝑁𝑜𝑡-𝑆𝑜-𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝐶ℎ𝑜�...by (White) Lily Astley
Tinitha Thumbwell, prodigy of BlueBell, somebody nobody expected to even set foot in the school. Everybody, including Tina, thought she was to be destined to be the chos...
Hide and Seekby xvictoriaxpaulinex
watch out for wrong grammars
watch out for wronh spellings
The Witch Of Prophecyby Angella
Your wish is my command...
Lots of people think that with these words, their life would change. Though, their not entirely wrong. Just be cautious, for when the wrong w...
St. Dracula Academy: Vampire Awake...by Samantha McMillan
High School sucks; especially if you happened to be the Fledgling granddaughter of the famous Count Dracula who was the Headmaster of the most prestigious Vampire boardi...