The Fallen Realm by Devansh Dash
Fallen Realm follows Ashen, a warrior bound to the shadows, as he battles deadly fiends and uncovers dark secrets threatening his world. Struggling with his humanity and...
Across Realms: The Bonds Unbrokenby GS
In the bustling city of Eldoria, historian Ethan Walker discovers a mysterious amulet that bridges two realms. When a young girl named Aria from the magical world of Lyr...
Warrior Cats Book 1: Trail of truthby Poppi Reid
A secretive tom who goes by the name of Cryptic has given up his role as a loner and chose to live life as a warrior. His determination and sudden loyalty rest in his ne...
The Orange Islandby Thecatlover Yep
In the depths of the vast ocean, lies a mysterious island shrouded in secrecy. It is said that only those destined to uncover its enigmatic truths are granted passage. O...
The Legend of Zenby Kathryn461
"The Legend of Zen" is an epic martial arts fantasy following Samuel, Kiren, and Zero's quest to defeat malevolent demons plaguing the world. United by friends...