The DC Siblings' Lovers, Frenemies...by Gracie Bella
I decided to make a book that involves the DC OC siblings' lovers, rivals, former enemies, frenemies and friends and the things you need to know about them just so that...
The DC Contestants' Parents And Th...by Gracie Bella
Just like the lovers and friends of the DC Siblings, i made a separate book for the parents and their other family members just so i won't have to make a jumble mess
The What If There's 34 Contestants...by Gracie Bella
Since no one made this type au in Disventure camp, i decided to create an au on what if there is more than just 14 contestants au, basically you get 20 extra contestant...
Yul's Ex Lovers HCsby Gracie Bella
This is the HCs of Yul's ex girlfriends and i will be giving lore about them, so stay tuned for their lores and HCs :3
The What If There's 34 Contestants...by Gracie Bella
Like season 1, there are 20 extra contestant to compete with the rest of the 14 contestants to compete for a one million dollars. So i'm gonna add my OCs and add some in...