Title: Perseus Ascends: God of Red...by Lele
Title: Perseus Ascends: God of Redemption and the Divine Realm
Betrayed by the Seven, his girlfriend, and even the Olympian Gods, Perseus Aurelius Jackson-the o...
Enoch's Revelationsby Gabriel John Rimando
"Enoch's Revelations" is a captivating and profound book that delves into the ancient wisdom and divine mysteries revealed to the prophet Enoch. This extraordi...
Divine Justice vs. Worldly Temptat...by Valerie Lynn Stephens
The Boiling Point of Justiceby BABA NEWRA
In the farthest reaches of the cosmos, Pink and Blue, the dynamic duo of divine retribution, serve up justice with a side of witty banter. Welcome to Retribution, where...
Divine Justice [Editing]by chewbacca🌙
[Book 1]
"Just admit that you want me," he breathes as he brings his lips to mine, "I promise you won't regret it."
"I'm not supposed to want yo...