Just good vibes 😎 by Bassys cum sock😋1931Not actually good vibes this is a vent bookiwanttodiewannadie+11 more Wattpad rant by NMkXXX143111I'm going to talk about all the things that needs to be fixed on this app .minornotokaywattpad+5 more No idea what to name thisby I am a ✨ MoTh ✨401I won't give a description for thisthetagsaremessedupïmdonee+5 more Deep downby Failedlovestory__732Self worth finally <3endsadstoryïm+2 more Three Letters.by AryanKjellbergxoxo201It all starts with a dare. but dare needs to develop. and that's how KATE LUX destroy her life. she picked and dared. but with others, it just look like Easy. but for ka...funnydoneesmiley+2 more