How to arrive at budget hotel in D...by Resort Trimurti
Well, you might also have a plan to visit Dooars but at first, you have to be sure about the hotel in Dooars. Your journey of Dooars will only be complete if you already...

Explore the less explored side of...by Resort Trimurti
The holiday trip for those places in the region can also be arranged by the resort in Dooars. So, on this holiday, how about exploring the unexplored side of Dooars?

Unlock happiness into the land of...by Resort Trimurti
You can stay at a resort in Dooars Lataguri and embrace the best happy moment of your life. Any destination can be your pick but it has to able to fulfill your desire an...

Responsible travel in this pandemi...by Resort Trimurti
The situation is becoming worst with the time as the influence of the virus is increasing and bring the terror. Yes, we are focusing on the pandemic which is considered...

Absolute choice for your Summer Ho...by Resort Trimurti
Spending your summer holidays at the resort in Dooars is indeed a reward for your mind and soul.