Dospublishinghouse Stories

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3 Stories

Ghost Lover by Rensankey by DoSPublishingHouse
Ghost Lover by Rensankeyby DoS Publishing House LLC
Coming soon from DoS Publishing House, Rensankey's debut novel: Ghost Lover. A Jamaican-based Urban Novel that's guaranteed to keep you turning the pages. For mo...
Tidsby by Mista Midas by DoSPublishingHouse
Tidsby by Mista Midasby DoS Publishing House LLC
Mista Midas told his followers that his aim was to incorporate a sub-genre into urban fiction; to use his stories to lead them where no other urban writer has led them b...
Against the Odds by Mista Midas by DoSPublishingHouse
Against the Odds by Mista Midasby DoS Publishing House LLC
The anticipated sophomore novel from Mista Midas. After releasing Legacy: The Bloodline of a Legend his followers craved his story-telling prowess so much that they dema...