#1Shrek Oc by Warrior Princess48871Full of adventures of magical fairy talesCompletedmagiccharmingdunkey+7 more #2 love triangleby aphrodite manabat743This the 2 men is fall in love with same girldunkey #3To dab or not to dab 3: the search...by Rockiestcafe2812Top 10 Anime sequels no one asked forsonicthehedgehogbadjerma985+2 more #4I am Bootifulby JackalFiend1.8K1637Now matter what you say!Completeddunkeyloveshrek #5To dab or not to dabby Rockiestcafe14515In this gripping tale, Bean bag Sonic escapes his cruel master, Jeremy Elbertson, while the bodybuilder rat leaves the rat colony for a few days during the harvest. Even...jerma985sonicthehedgehogratmovie+3 more