Veiled Shadows: Embrace of Moon an...by A
Veiled Shadows: Embrace of Moon and Sun" immerses readers in the enchanting realm of Eldoria, where the Moonlit Serpents and Sunfire Phoenixes, sworn enemies, must...
Collision of Hearts: A Desi Love S...by Riana Moonstone Malfoy
Rishi, a successful and hard-nosed film director, exuded an air of authority and control as he navigated the bustling streets of Mumbai in his sleek black Mercedes. His...
The Unsuspected Friendship by Hermione Malfoy
Janette is the typical Popular girl, pretty, demanding, though unusually smart and rude whenever possible to the largely invisible groups of people, though something uns...
Spider-Man 2099: What Makes A Heroby AntSum
Read as a different version of our favorite Web Swinger, Spider-Man 2099 prolongs on a self adventure revolving around some old and new villains as he tries to shape the...