Synthesis The Paradise Birdby Cinos The Werehog
A creature who can control and manipulate both fire, energy, and plant, have the gene of Jet, and is an Arnold Schwarzenegger wannabe

Tundra Antarcticaby Cinos The Werehog
The crazy ice lizard who knows he's a characters and will break the forth wall of Wattpad

Gravileo The Living Planetby Cinos The Werehog
A planetoid creature made entirely of rock, body fluid as lava, and gases made of fire who will his own system.

Monstro Saurianby Cinos The Werehog
He is large creature that creature that Eggman created with a huge obsession with money and a huge anger issues

Cinos The Werehog Bioby Cinos The Werehog
My OC character, part Hedgehog from Sonic, part Canid from Rahzar
This book contain everything about Cinos, his appearance, Powers, and interaction.
Everything in my sto...

Okami The Rōninby Cinos The Werehog
Here is Eggman's latest and greatest E-Cryptid creation who will be Cinos' greatest rival, who would is equally powerful as Cinos The Werehog and Tigon El Tigre, made fr...

Sonar M.C Audioby Cinos The Werehog
This cyborg is the mutant who like hear, create, and manipulate heavy, hardcore music and will make shock

Rexter Armado Dilioby Cinos The Werehog
He's armed and dangerous, hate exercises but love to play sports but likely eat mostly, made from DNA of the less Sonic The Hedgehog character Might The Armadillo

Fentom The Hauntby Cinos The Werehog
An asexual emo creature who can think insects are the supreme ruler of the Earth made with Charmy's DNA