Main Story Detailed Summary: Toshi...by Lys
This is the detailed summary of the character Toshiki Kasumi from Romance MD: Always on Call. This work completely belongs to Voltage Inc. All I did was summarizing the...
Next Heartbeatby slashersmiles
Toshiki Kasumi is getting married and this is the story of his love story with one of the quintuplets from The Quintessential Quintuplets.
Washed over by Jealousyby Lys
Just when you think you are getting over the fact that Dr. Kasumi belongs only to you, and when everything is going well, the uneasy feelings of yours now seem to be rec...
The Realization of Importanceby Lys
Dr. Kasumi forgets about you?! It has been one year since you have joined the cardiovascular surgery in the Seimei Medical University. The dark prince has recently start...