Ejen Ali Fanfiction: Salib Di Huta...by FatinChibi
Sudah sedekad berlalu selepas kejadian ngeri di MATA Arena,
Bakar telah bertemu semula dengan Kim yang sudah habis tempoh hukumannya
Walaupun pertemuan itu agak menjangk...
Ejen Ali Fanfiction-Trust Betrayed...by FatinChibi
"To me, the thing that is worse than death is betrayal. You see, I could conceive death, but I could not conceive betrayal."
-Malcolm X-
This fancomic theori...
Ejen Ali : Redoing The Pastby MERCURYnone
Ali woke up from his sleep to find himself in the past. With the knowledge of the past, he tried to fix his mistake. Will he succeded to change his fate or make it worse...