Meridia X Champion Reader by Amalie Schatten
The Daedra of Light and Life Meridia Made You Her Champion from Now One You Will Fight and Life under Her Light and Stand By Her Side

Werewolf Jane Deadblade by Juli Khajiit Assassin
The Female Redguard Warrior Jane Deadblade was Traveling through Tamriel
Until one Day Her Story Takes a Dark Turn

Corrupted Dibella by Juli Khajiit Assassin
Dibella The Goddess of Art Love and Lust
came to Earth
but Then Something Happened What Changed Everything for Her

Lust Scrolls Babette Your Vampire...by Amalie Schatten
She Might Be Looking Like a 18 Years Old Girl
Well She Kinda Is But She's Technically 300 Years Old But as Vempire You Stay Pretty Fresh
Now She's Working For The Dark...

Female Dovahkiin by Juli Khajiit Assassin
The Hero of Skyrim The Dragonborn
Starts Her Long Journey
and Saves Her People