The Electromagnetic Odysseyby Keivon Gunn
"The Electromagnetic Odyssey" is a thrilling science fiction novel that follows the adventures of Aero, a young boy with extraordinary powers over electromagne...
"THE E-QOY"by Ciera_Iris_Cachet
Once they welcome you in, you become a part of them...forever!
Sayde Reign is a rebellious, teenage girl who lives in the City of Qoy. Lead by Elite or "The E-Qo...
Electromagnetics (Notes, Engineer JNB
This book contains the compilation of our notes, lecture notes and articles about Electromagnetics. We are publishing this book to share our understanding about the subj...
Super Rivalsby Ella
Adrian Douglas and Nicole Ellis were twelve when the radio-nuclear bomb was dropped near his house. Everyone expected there to be repercussions--the scientists that crea...
The End Is Hereby Paapa
"Oh shit."Major screamed at aide. "Get me the freakin' president. The Russians, Chinese,... They've all launched their nukes."
The Russians, Chinese...
The Human Soulby Rosalind
A paper proving the existence of electromagnetism around the human body, which could be coined a soul. And also questions into what could be possible from there.