By Thaddeusby ☔️ 𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓪 ☔️
His poems. His journal. His messages to his mother. Bailey.
First four are in my OC Randomness book because I posted them there before making this.
All credit for the c...
Living Life: Updates and Random Th...by ☔️ 𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓪 ☔️
Officially book 3 of SHORT STORIES AND RANDOM THINGS but with a makeover.
You'll be hearing more from me and what I get up do and my opinions on things (mostly books pr...
JuSt A bUnCh Of RaNdOm StUfF sTuFfEd InTo OnE bOoK !!! A lOt Of ShOrT sToRiEs AnD cHaLlEnGeS !!! EvErYtHiNg I aM tAgGeD tO dO wIlL nOw Be In ThIs BoOk As WeLl !!!
My artworks 2!by ☔️ 𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓪 ☔️
Hiya! This is the second book of all my art. Both drawings and crafts. They're all in here!!!
There are also WIPs as to be expected.
I hope you enjoy!!!
And u can't fo...