Emperorjagdeesh Stories

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8 Stories

What's that business? by almightycreator123
What's that business?by almightycreator123
The art of making quick money.
The House of Devil. by almightycreator123
The House of Devil.by almightycreator123
The sequel of, "The Knock on the walls."
REPUGNANT. by almightycreator123
REPUGNANT.by almightycreator123
Before my story, "The Knock on the Walls." I had faced an obnoxious situation.
Strange Account. by almightycreator123
Strange Account.by almightycreator123
A sequel of my previous story, Diabolical.
SCEPTICAL. by almightycreator123
SCEPTICAL.by almightycreator123
A sequel of Despicable Deeds.
DESPICABLE DEEDS.  by almightycreator123
DESPICABLE DEEDS. by almightycreator123
After losing my love, I was introduced to a phenomenal event which changed my life. The sequel to my previous story, The Last Look.
Mind's Eye.  by almightycreator123
Mind's Eye. by almightycreator123
This is a sequel to my previous story.. Mathematician (The Quest). I am an author haunted by my story.
THE LAST LOOK. by almightycreator123
THE LAST LOOK.by almightycreator123
My unspoken love haunts me back with a surprise.