Whispers of Love: From Hallways to...by Raresharu
Embark on a captivating journey through the intertwining lives of Tyler and Abbie, two hearts destined to find each other amidst the bustling hallways of college. 'Etern...
Title: "Stellar Bonds: A Celestial...by kim_Taesha0130
In the celestial expanse of the cosmos, where stars twinkle in a celestial dance, lies a realm beyond time and space-the Eternal Nexus. Within its infinite embrace, the...
If I close my eyes forever (One- S...by Michelle Gunner
Axl is dead
Slash needs a way to communicate with him
Music will allow them to be in contact
(Inspiration: Close my eyes forever, by Lita Ford and Ozzy Osbourne)
Friends of Calcutta 1977by Eha
This is the tale of two friends with a stout bond of love and the way they meet again is what you would call destiny or perhaps faith.