"The journey of an Ackles and a Co...by Princess Oreo
Jade Ackles is Jensen Ackles sister and Long Best friend of Misha Collins who has a sister Melissa Collins who is a long friend of Jensen's.
they all met at drama camp a...
I Belong to You (Phantom of the Op...by Lauren
Erik Destler has been giving Christine Daae voice lessons for a year. One day, unexpectedly, he asks for her hand in marriage. Although Erik has been planning the propos...
What I felt that momentby SukiSakamoto
This is a story about Inuyashas early life and his mother. What I think it was like and how it could be if other things happened.
This is my opinion only. Inuyasha and t...
TRUTHby R A K S┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ┬┴
Ramisha gets a little help from the person she least expected it from...
(short af)