Pir-e-Kamil by Mittin
*pir-e-Kamil* (The Perfect Mentor) is a popular Urdu novel by Umera Ahmed, first published in 2004. The story follows the transformative journeys of two main characters...
What is macular degeneration and h...by GF Eye Center
An eye problem that will need the attention of an Arizona eye specialist is age-related macular degeneration.
Dr Nandita Rane's Eye Clinicby Siddhi Hatle
Designed to offer solutions that work wonders, the Dr Nandita Rane's clinic provides treatments that help preserve, enhance and restore your vision. The experienced eye...
MYOPIA IN CHILDRENby SmartVision Eyehospitals
Does your child often complain of headaches, eyestrain, and fatigue when having to focus on something more than a few feet away? Young children with myopia or near sight...
How to cure Pink Eyes at Home?by I Clinix
Pink Eyes is very common though it is a serious problem, which can last more than a week or two. It is said that people can cure this problem at home. But sometimes it's...