I love fruitby 🍝
You need less one minute to read this short texte that I wrote the 23/07/2020
Let me why do you love/hate fruit
Dolans Sister | •Ethan Dolan•by Rebeca
Alicia is a 16 years old girl that lives with the Dolan family since her parents left her.
New school's year it's coming and new love with it. Things at home get strang...
An Old Man On The Moon by Lama Abdel Rahman
An old man living on the moon,in his own house. getting free gifts and balloons out of no where!❔
try to think who is the sender?
How is this happening ?
why specially m...
SਸLਲੱUਗG SਕTਹਾOਣੀRਸYby YellowCamel939
This is a short funny story I wrote. Enjoy
In a world run by slugs a crazy combo of Star Wars, nasa and just random stuff this book better make you laugh. Also at the en...
Tales That Suits The Darknessby Your Shy Narrator
These are horror stories, though they aren't so scary... or are they?