#1feedee diary by daisy ⋆. 𐙚 ˚49011weight gain diary !! updates when i feel like it I guess lmaoweightgainpigfatty+3 more #2weight gain diaryby rdsjds1.7K214tracking my gainfeederchubbyfat+9 more #3feedee journal by Onyx1.1K31this is a personal thingy, basically im not a feedee yet but i am fat so ill probably be posting pics and stuff here- :) please no weird comments if you're over 18!! im...chubbygainweight+9 more #4My Feedee Journey!by blondefattyy15.2K308My journal as a female feedee who wants to get as fat as possible!feedeejournalforcefeedinggirl+22 more