Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-Cha...by KiaraKitty013
The story follows Iruma Suzuki, a 14 year old human girl who is sold to a demon by her lazy, selfish and neglectful parents.
The demon, known as Sullivan, takes Iruma to...
Iruma-Chan Side Stories (WTDSIK AU)by KiaraKitty013
Hey guys, if you can all guess, side stories are now available here in this book of Iruma-Chan's misadventures in the Netherworld. What adventures will this blunette fac...
The Lost Daughter of the Demon Kin...by KiaraKitty013
The Netherworld, a world filled with demons born with magic, strength and many more of their capabilities in for demons who lived there.
Amduscias Poro, who was known as...