A story from Figaro: Final Fantasy...by James Mash
This story begins before King Edgar's meeting with Locke and Terra, when Figaro was in alliance with the Empire. How does a new young and dashing King run a kingdom? A k...
One Direction: Welcome To the Fast...by MioneHoran
Fast cars. Money. Hot guys. Love.
Anything a girl could ask for right?
Drug Heists. Cops. Hate. Death.
Being an undercover cop in a world of crime. Fall...
A Tale Of Twinsby CYS Books
Edgar Roni Figaro and Sabin Rene Figaro
Twins and heir to the throne untill a very unfortunate event occurred... Turning their lives upside down...
FF6 the daughter of Infernoby Cookie Morningstar
this is a ff6 fanfic about my oc seloria ragana, she was raised in narshe under the care of humans being half one herself she doesnt understand why shes different, she m...
Esper Love (Terra Branford x Male...by adamabyss12
This is a one-shot of Terra Branford from Final Fantasy 6 and a male ESper OC