This is a unique love story with a mix of comedy, fight and various emotions. This is a fanfiction of Priya Bhavani Shankar and Harish Kalyan and some more...
Drishti (THE VISION)by Aara
°Having two things may not be a good Idea
for the same work_
°But having two visions is never a bad deal
°Two visions, two deals, two thoughts, and two perspecti...
The Fight To Loveby Bella 🌸
A thrilling love story between Hannah, a teenage girl, who's fighting her way through life and Jack, a young boy, who can't seem to find the right path.Together, they mi...
Key to a Helical Loveby readingle_hd
What happens when the person who has no esteem to commitment turns out to be scared of it?
what happens when the person who never believed people in the name of love fal...