Marta De La Reina, a upper class middle daughter of the powerful De La Reyna family and Fina Valero the daughter of the family's loyal chauffeur fall in love as they wor...
Una mirada al diario íntimo de Marta de La Reina. Un viaje introspectivo.
Un intento de dar vida al mundo interior de este personaje increíblemente complejo y profundo.
A series of Mafin one-shots when canon makes me want to flesh out a scene, or for it to go in a slightly different direction than on screen.
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This is a two chapter one-shot where Fina gets to know Pelayo better and Marta and Fina have an at-home double date with Pelayo and his boyfriend (I give him one lol).
Fina Valero Director of Dreams of Freedom (DoF) Security, a female driven company attends a conference in Madrid that will change the course of her life forever.
I'll ad...
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AU take on a scene I know the narrative of the show never can provide, but I personally crave with the same intensity as I do air or chocolate when the P...