The Shadows of Willowbrookby jhguppy123
"The Shadows of Willowbrook" follows a group of friends-Justin, Amanda, Cory, Yasmine, Frank, and Cruz-as they navigate a town plagued by ancient evil. When Co...
The Girl That I Loved!!by Ramon
"The Girl That I Loved !!! " is a captivating short novel that takes readers on a whirlwind journey through the lives of Ronan and Aiza, two teenagers living w...
I Friend Youby Ink and Notebook❤️
What's lost isn't lost all together, it's awaiting to be found!
"Do you think the Universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong...
"Chronicles of Lumina: The Isekai...by mixal120
In "Chronicles of Lumina: The Isekai Reckoning," follow the extraordinary journey of Mike Karelion, a brilliant mind thrust into a fantastical realm teetering...
Dual Realms: Fire & Frostby Yo Yo
"Dual Realms: Fire & Frost"
In a mythical world divided between the scorching kingdom of fire and the frozen realm of ice, an age-old war rages on. The saga be...
The Weaver's Odyssey Chronicles of...by Killer0_oClown
The Weaver's Odyssey: Chronicles of Eldoria is a captivating fantasy tale following the sorceress Seraphina and her companions on a perilous quest to seal a mysterious r...
Alchemy of Heartsby Giasemi
There's a thin line between love and hate.
In the bustling kingdom of Eldoria, where magic and alchemy are scorned, Lila, a talented but overlooked alchemist, concocts...