#Dramy Fanficby POPSICLE STRYPES2221Fanfic requested by Dramer with Mary.Completeddramer8976twitchmarysayshi+2 more Emi & the Diet Coke (SEQUEL!!)by POPSICLE STRYPES1331emiplays and diet coke sequel yay woo wow yayCompleteddrowningemiplaysdietcoke+2 more MarySaysHi Fanficby POPSICLE STRYPES3621A fanfic for Mary, including Ryan, Panda, and others in stream chat.Completedfrostizyminecraftpandaplayshd+2 more Emi & the Diet Cokeby POPSICLE STRYPES3701fanfic for emiplays & diet cokeCompletedemiplaysgamingclubpenguin+2 more